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September 5, 2017

Three Steps to Follow after a Ransomware Attack

Ransomware is EVERYWHERE. A large problem is when businesses are impacted and get shut down for days, they will rarely tell their customers or suppliers. It’s embarrassing and could result in the trust of their customers being eroded. Some businesses with privacy records are legally required to report that they have been hacked and inform those who may have had their private data compromised.

It’s not a question of “Could you be Compromised” but “When will you be Compromised”.

When this happens to your company or organization, here is good advice to follow.

Three Steps after a Ransomware Attack

  1. Do NOT pay the ransom
  2. Contact the FBI immediately www.ic3.gov
  3. Verify if your backups are available and working *

* Ransomware may be in your backups!

Recover from your backups if possible and bring in help to lock down your security and defenses to avoid future attacks from Ransomware and other Cyberattacks.

Flint Hills Group is know for innovative custom software development. As we work with our customers, we are asked to help with preventing Cyberattacks and providing remediation after an attack. Contact Flint Hills Group for a free consultation.

Dave Cunningham
Founder and CEO

A seasoned technical leader with over 30 years software engineering experience, Dave is a passionate collaborator who brings teams together for success.

Dave Cunningham - CEO Flint Hills Group
Dave Cunningham - CEO Flint Hills Group

Dave Cunningham
Founder and CEO

A seasoned technical leader with over 30 years software engineering experience, Dave is a passionate collaborator who brings teams together for success.